Lemon Luxury Buttercream – White chocolate custard

Just a quick note, in case it helps anyone. My white chocolate custard completely seized up on me. I’m talking a big lump of white chocolate on the bottom of the bowl with a soupy mess of yellow butter (probably mixed with cocoa butter) on the top. The more I tried to whisk it back together, the worse it got. I even tried with an electric hand mixer. Nothing was going to bring that back together. I remembered something I’d seen Alton Brown say: a little bit of water causes chocolate to seize, but more water will smooth it back out again. I thought, “Hm. Eggs contain water, and they’re also an emulsifier. I’m supposed to be adding the eggs to this anyway. Worst that can happen is I waste the eggs, because the butter and white chocolate are already a total loss.” So, I slowly beat the eggs into my awful, disgusting mess with the electric hand mixer. Tada! Smooth and creamy!

8 thoughts on “Lemon Luxury Buttercream – White chocolate custard

    1. It was really such a mess that I was so sure it wouldn’t work that I didn’t take a picture of it. Now I wish I had, so I had proof. ๐Ÿ˜‰


  1. anitsirk … that’s SO exactly that happened to me .. it was so horrified to see the white chocolate gob at the bottom of the bowl .. but I just went kamikaze and added the eggs and seriously, miraculous things so happen. it just smoothed itself out.

    cheers for the explanation for my miracle.


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