Caramel Cream Cake Roll

That sounds so much better than a recipe that starts with the words “prune preserves,” right? We had a friends over on Saturday night, and while Jay was in the process of sending the invite, he asked what I was making. I told him the full title, and he said “I can’t sell that.” My response was, “Just tell Jason I’m baking something, and he’ll come regardless of what it is.” He used to stop by my cube on Monday mornings to enjoy some baking for breakfast. 🙂

Beating eggs
Beating eggs

One of my favourite things about a sponge or chiffon cake is watching the eggs transform from bright yellow liquid into light, fluffy, foam.

Light and fluffy eggs
Light and fluffy eggs


Adding the meringue
Adding the meringue

I use the whisk beater itself to fold in meringues and whipped creams and stuff. It works well.

After a couple of "folds"
After a couple of “folds”


After about 10 folds total
After about 10 folds total


Ready for the oven
Ready for the oven

Here, one of my handwoven tea towels joins the party!

Covered and ready to flip
Covered and ready to flip & roll


Rolled up to cool
Rolled up to cool


Making the caramel
Making the caramel

Add the cooled caramel on low speed, the recipe says. Yeah. How about just dump it in and fold by hand? Much more successful.

Caramel Whipped Cream
Caramel Whipped Cream Mess


Ready to assemble
Unrolled & ready to assemble


Prune lekvar spread
Prune lekvar spread over the cake


Grumpy cake roll
Grumpy cake roll


End trimmed!
End trimmed, looks much better!




There were only 4 of us…

I loved this. I didn’t expect to, but the stewed prunes (aka Lekvar) took a back seat to the caramel whipped cream, and really just added a subtle fruit flavour that you wouldn’t be able to put your finger on if you didn’t know it was there. I love being part of these baking groups, because it “forces” me to bake things that I normally wouldn’t even consider. I loved the textures here, and you can’t go wrong with caramel and whipped cream flavours.

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