Whipped Cream Cake

This week’s heavenly cakes bake-through choice was the whipped cream cake. Rose mentions in her introduction to the recipe that though this cake contains no butter, the fat content of the whipping cream more than makes up for the ‘lack’ of any other fat.

Whipped Cream Cake
Whipped Cream Cake

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Holiday Log Cake

This week’s cake for the heavenly cake bakers was the Holiday Pinecone Cake. I decided early on that I was going to make a holiday log, rather than a pine cone, because I wanted to make meringue mushrooms to go with it. This post is late, and rushed, because I’m at my parents’ for the holidays. Between computer problems yesterday and running around helping Mom out with various things today, I haven’t had time to write this up. Sorry for the lack of details or clever commentary (not that you normally find clever commentary here, anyway)!

Continue reading “Holiday Log Cake”

The Heavenly Cakes Bake Through


This may very well be something I will soon come to regret, but I’ve signed up for the Heavenly Cakes Bake Through.  The newest cookbook from Rose Levy Beranbaum was officially released today, and the publishers have decided to promote it via an online “Bake Through”.  The reviews I’ve seen for Rose’s Heavenly Cakes are overwhelmingly positive, and if it’s anything like The Cake Bible or The Bread Bible, I know it will be an excellent addition to my baking library.

Marie at The Heavenly Cake Place has made her way through about 20 or so of the cakes already, as a preview to the book’s release.  Now that the book is out in the wild, Marie has invited the rest of us to join in the fun.

I’m just hoping I didn’t misread some instruction somewhere, and I have actually signed up properly, and am one of the first 10, so I can get an autographed copy to bake from!